Unfortunately my first 'travel' experience I'm having is on a train to Disneyland Paris. Though not the most exotic travel destination it's still abroad, so on my part it counts. Remember, I'm a student - oh and also a massive child.
The train to actually get into Lille Europe only takes an hour and a half and therefore I don't yet feel like I'm in a foreign country, however I'm reminded I am by a woman rambling in french to me about not knowing which train she had to catch - my response? "I'm sorry, I'm English". I don't know why I felt the need to apologise for the fact I spoke English but it seemed the right thing to do considered how flustered she was and how unhelpful I was.

TIP : Before you travel to your destination, learn the phrases you're most likely to need. For example:
1. Sorry I don't speak 'input language here'.
2. Thank-You
3. Hello
4. Nearest bar?

If you're visiting Disneyland Paris anytime soon, the FASTPASS IS FREE 
I come from a family of incessant travellers, me probably being the least adventurous of all as I lacked the courage to venture abroad for university like my elder siblings. Currently standing in Melbourne - Australia, Sydney - Australia and Tucson - Arizona, from our little city in the UK they sure went far.
Now I didn't completely fail on travel, it's just not half as cool as them and I sure do miss out on the chance to travel to cool places 'on the way home' which is apparently 'cheaper'.....(liars). Despite this I live a good 7 hour drive from home, and when I say good I mean deliriously boring.
I live to travel, new places just seem so much cooler than the UK. However as my blog name states, I'm a student. Being a student and having a passion for travel are two things that DO NOT go together, you think of student and think of ready meals, disgusting accommodation and laziness - I have all of them practiced and down. Travel is an extra thing on the side whenever I can afford it - which thankfully for me is more often than originally thought.
I've already hit loads of cool places and wish I had some way to remember them, so this blog is that I guess.
Check out the places I've already been:
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
Hope you enjoyed my first blog post, come back soon!
