Our first day in Berlin was of course used for sightseeing - an obscene amount of walking and looking at buildings (which here are pretty impressive, each one as big and as amazing as each other).
First stop: The Brandenburg Gate
Second stop: The Victory Column - We walked up this, and although it didn't look very far, it felt EXTREMELY far. I believe it has 260-something stairs which are an absolute lung killer - those stairs hate the human legs and want to see them die (and mine almost did).
Third Stop: The Zoo...naturally (I love Zoos). You can get so close and have great views of all the animals, nothing like in England - Health and Safety must be a myth around here because I swear for half the animals I could have jumped the metre gap and been stroking them. They have a great variety of animals, some which seem like they may be going mental (like the Elephant walking the same path the entire time and the Polar Bear doing some crazy ass dance).

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