So the problem I have now is when not travelling (the majority of time) I am simply going about my normal day-to-day routine of uni, food and sleep. Which when trying to get and hold peoples attention is NOT a good thing.
That means until my next trip (destination BERLIN!) it's going to be very difficult to think of interesting things to say.

However. A journey is a journey no matter where it's end right? 
So my journey to Uni seems appropriate here. Now a 'journey' may be over-exaggerating as it is only a 15 minute walk (at my snail pace as well) but for me sometimes it's the most stressful part of my day, and here's why....
The cats (PLURAL : there is about 50 in about 4 streets) in this area are the sneakiest f***ers alive, they just love to hide around corners, on tall fences and even in hedges to jump out at you at the most inconvenient time consequently making me shit myself.

On the topic of domestic animals, the amount of dog shit left chilling on the sidewalk is some sort of sick joke - making anyone who dares venture outside be required to walk head down THE ENTIRE TIME.

When I say who dares to venture outside, I mean the weather here is seriously crazy. If you won't get blown off your feet by hurricane winds you will be frozen to an icicle - when I moved down south I was expecting better weather. MISTAKEN.

LASTLY. (however I could go on for longer...)
The hills. My friend here lives on the 'steepest residential hill in the UK' and mine is pretty darn close to it. a 10 minute walk can literally rip me of my entire lungs and laugh at my glowing red face. Incline is not my friend!
Sitting on a car....really?
Fun times in Brighton as always,
see you soon


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