Our first day in Berlin was of course used for sightseeing - an obscene amount of walking and looking at buildings (which here are pretty impressive, each one as big and as amazing as each other).
First stop: The Brandenburg Gate
Second stop: The Victory Column - We walked up this, and although it didn't look very far, it felt EXTREMELY far. I believe it has 260-something stairs which are an absolute lung killer - those stairs hate the human legs and want to see them die (and mine almost did).
Third Stop: The Zoo...naturally (I love Zoos). You can get so close and have great views of all the animals, nothing like in England - Health and Safety must be a myth around here because I swear for half the animals I could have jumped the metre gap and been stroking them. They have a great variety of animals, some which seem like they may be going mental (like the Elephant walking the same path the entire time and the Polar Bear doing some crazy ass dance).

So I just got back from an unbelievable trip to Berlin, I've always been a massive fan of Germany and the language because of my school teacher but this was my first time in the capital city.
Although my German skills lacked severely (embarrassing because I did it until A-level) we managed fine because they all spoke fluent English (except maybe the bus driver who seemed a little confused).

I'm going to do a few posts on all my favourite bits about Berlin starting with the hotel :)!

We stayed in an unreal hotel - Radisson Blu, Berlin. It was situated just next to the Tv tower, Alexander platz and bang in the middle of about 4 different winter markets. It has the most amazing cylindical aquarium in it's reception (the biggest in the world as far as I'm aware).
It also has a 24hour gym (which surprisingly my boyfriend managed to make me use - I hate exercising).
We arrived pretty late our first night, so we got food (the oh so cultural McDonalds - which my boyfriend likes to try in every country because it's different - questionable I know.) Then pretty much went straight to bed ready to explore the next day.
Only went to see the Hunger Games: Catching Fire this evening. It was pretty good! What was not pretty good was the price of my parking ticket....£10!!! Are they joking? For 3 hours in a car park... it's absolutely day-light robbery. I am not a happy student, may as well just walk everywhere (But I'm too lazy for that shit).
That is first world problems.

Short and sweet, thanks for reading :)
We've made a new friend who visits our student house EVERYDAY without fail - he loves us. I know before I complained about the annoying sly cats in the area but this ones nice and friendly and all he does is purr. CUTIE.

If you don't know what the quote below your childhood/adult-life is seriously lacking in Finding Nemo banter.

Thanks for reading

Caroline :)

"I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy"
I travelled to Brixton yesterday night to go see Imagine Dragons at the O2 Academy, it was UNREAL!! Brixton isn't half as dodgy as I was expecting it to be. The journey there only took us an hour and 20 minutes but on the way back they diverted us so we went in the wrong direction for 20 minutes, then stopped, and went back in the other direction to our station, such a nightmare. Was worth it to see Imagine Dragons though!
PictureScouting for Girls
I went home this weekend for a Scouting for Girls concert, which was awesome. But of course silly me got ridiculously drunk on Friday night to the point where I got chucked out the club (I know embarrassing). So of course Saturday morning (the travel day) I was hanging so bad. Waking up late we got to Paddington station and realised we were never going to make it to Heathrow in time for our flight (which was in 30mins), what a nightmare! So I had to go on British Airways website and THANK-GOD for their rewards system, I managed to get 2 one-way tickets using my Avios points for £35, BARGAIN. If it hadn't been for that I would have not been able to go home and see my Mummy and we would have missed our concert! First time I've ever missed a flight as well. Oops.

Thanks for reading

So a trip is not a trip if you don't do some super cool stuff you can remember forever. I'm all for the experiences, I think when you're visiting loads of places at once (like when I was inter-railing this summer) it gets difficult to distinguish between different places unless something specifically awesome has happened, like an amazing night out in Krakow or a breath-taking moment like Lake Bled.
So when I was on holiday in Marmaris, Turkey this summer I reluctantly went scuba diving. I so almost didn't because when they explain the safety precautions and all the things you have to do it's not really like 'just have fun' it's like if you do this wrong you could become deaf or if you don't do this you'll drown. I was shaking so much one of the professional divers had to reassure me that if he the dummy could do it then I definitely could. However once I did do it, man do I not regret it, I'm now thinking about getting my PADI course certificates. We took bread under and fed the fish, it was the coolest thing ever to feed them with our hands while under the water. Now the breathing and equalising our ears (which I hated) took some time to get used to, but by the time the first dive was over we were raring to go for the second one, and I can't wait to do it again!

Give it a go!
(And if you want to do it on the cheap go to Turkey - you don't need any training or experience (a bit dodge I know)).


So I wasn't completely alone, but the moment my breath was taken away I was alone (well with no-one I knew) on the top of one super large hill. My friends who I was travelling with refused to pay to get into the castle which had the look out point however I'm not exactly fit and didn't hike up that major hill for no reason so I paid and had a gander and what an amazing gander it was. I managed to tutor an elderly Chinese woman in how to take a photo - in which she photographed her finger over the lens - a priceless memory.
Immediately after this photo, we went to dip our feet in at the edge and my friend dropped her iphone in. It survived.
Honestly on the way there I didn't think I'd enjoy Slovenia (It's not a well known holiday destination and I definitely don't know anyone who has been there), but our original place Ljubljana, the capital and biggest city in Slovenia was the most adorable river side place with cute back streets and AMAZING crepes. The little restaurants had the tastiest pizza and they had the most welcoming people with really good English (THANK GOD someone who understands us!).
We went on a day trip from Ljubljana to Lake Bled (which was not long enough), I must have taken a billion and one pictures, every angle looked different (and we walked all the way around it so think of all those angles!, I was seriously mesmerised. We also took a cute (but a little overpriced) boat ride to the little island in the middle, which gave a whole different perspective.
Lake Bled is a must see.
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."
Tell me about the most beautiful places you've been, I need IDEAS for my next trip!!
Thanks for reading,

So the problem I have now is when not travelling (the majority of time) I am simply going about my normal day-to-day routine of uni, food and sleep. Which when trying to get and hold peoples attention is NOT a good thing.
That means until my next trip (destination BERLIN!) it's going to be very difficult to think of interesting things to say.

However. A journey is a journey no matter where it's end right? 
So my journey to Uni seems appropriate here. Now a 'journey' may be over-exaggerating as it is only a 15 minute walk (at my snail pace as well) but for me sometimes it's the most stressful part of my day, and here's why....
The cats (PLURAL : there is about 50 in about 4 streets) in this area are the sneakiest f***ers alive, they just love to hide around corners, on tall fences and even in hedges to jump out at you at the most inconvenient time consequently making me shit myself.

On the topic of domestic animals, the amount of dog shit left chilling on the sidewalk is some sort of sick joke - making anyone who dares venture outside be required to walk head down THE ENTIRE TIME.

When I say who dares to venture outside, I mean the weather here is seriously crazy. If you won't get blown off your feet by hurricane winds you will be frozen to an icicle - when I moved down south I was expecting better weather. MISTAKEN.

LASTLY. (however I could go on for longer...)
The hills. My friend here lives on the 'steepest residential hill in the UK' and mine is pretty darn close to it. a 10 minute walk can literally rip me of my entire lungs and laugh at my glowing red face. Incline is not my friend!
Sitting on a car....really?
Fun times in Brighton as always,
see you soon

This weekend away was afforded by a poor student through Wowcher, and if you haven't seen the awful leg waxing commercials, it's a company that you sign up to to get things cheaper than normal. It included the Eurostar tickets, 1 day park ticket and the hotel for a decent price - not a bad find.
Getting the 'excursion' tickets at the beginning of our trip was a TOTAL NIGHTMARE and the system to pick them up from a fast food place in Disney Village was horrifically bad but nothing the magic of FINALLY getting into Disneyland couldn't fix - it was forgotten pretty quickly.
I especially loved the hotels unique way to cover up broken floor tiles in the bathrooms - with a mat, the fact someone seemed to have cracked a stinkbomb in our air-con (which conveniently smelled as soon as I left the bathroom, But Jack, I promise it wasn't me!) and also queueing for breakfast at 9am in the FREEZING COLD.
But that's the holiday of a student for you - and I'd do it again in a second.

TIP : Just because you're abroad doesn't mean it's going to be warm. CHECK THE WEATHER. 
Who knew Paris could get cold? - Which of course led to us kitted fully in Disney gear - who knew it was the only thing you could buy in Disneyland? 

Come back soon,
